Links |
Send maching links to info(a)dunst.dk |
Performance Artists |
Dennis Agerblad (dunst) dennisagerblad.dk Denmark Miss Fish (dunst) missfish.net Denmark Bondy Boy hooligays.free.fr France Marek Berlin www.marek-berlin.de Berlin (Polen) Team Plastique www.team-plastique.com Berlin (Australia) Black Sun Productions www.black-sun-productions.com Black Sun Productions is an international collective of radical artists. Our main aim is to produce things made of human passion and in support of sexual energy. We are located in Anarcadia and this website is the very place where we communicate our philosophy and activities. Everything fornicates all of the time. Leigh Bowery www.leighbowery.com.br Austrailian artist. For many years the face of the 80’s London nightlife. England Diamanda Galas www.diamandagalas.com Greek screming performer. USA Mattilda www.mattbernsteinsycamore.com Editor, performer and instigator of a radical queer activist group, that celebrates resistance by fighting the monster of assimilation. San Francisco, USA. Orange Gecko www.orangegecko.de Queer sexual Tobi Möhring is an artist and a performer. Berlin, Germany |
Performance Groups |
The dunst performance group www.dunst.dk/dunst/01_performere Copenhagen, Denmark. the Cockettes www.cockettes.com As the psychedelic San Francisco of the '60's began evolving into the gay San Francisco of the '70's, The Cockettes, a flamboyant ensemble of hippies (women, gay men, and babies) San Francisco, USA AVENUE D www.avenued.com Intergalactic sex symbols and all-around party girls, Debbie D. and Daphne D. are the booty-bustin' NYC duo that have popped out such hits as Do I Look like a Slut? and The Sex That I Need. Miami, Florida, USA Duckie www.duckie.co.uk An authentic London Honky-Tonk & Purveyors of Progressive Working Class Entertainment. England DC Radical Faeries www.dcradfeys.org This DC Radical Faeries is a religious and educational organization whose members organize to explore, promote and advance Queer notions of spirituality. England Näd Mika Sexual electrical power, colours and music trash avantgarde www.nadmika.com |
DJ's |
all the dunst DJ's www.dunst.dk/dunst/dj Denmark |
Rosa Lux (dunst) www.rosalux.dk From dunst Denmark |
Nikolaj Tange Lange (dunst) www.myspace.com/nikolajlange From dunst Denmark |
Lemercier www.lemercier.info Germany |
Chris Corda www.churchofeuthanasia.org DJ in drag. Save Your Planet – Kill Yourself. USA |
Transvestites |
Tina Thransesen www.thranesen.dk Den danske videnbank om kønsidentitet, transvestisme og transseksualisme. Denmark TID www.transvestit.dk Danish organization for transvestites and Transgendered people. Denmark SammyJo www.sammyjo.webbyen.dk Sheemale. Denmark |
Dragkings |
Bob (dunst) www.dunst.dk/dunst/01_performere/15_bob Copenhagen, Denmark IDKE Chicago www.idkechicago.com Gender Revolution Chicago, USA Lionkings www.lionkings.se Sweeden Subfrau www.wingrens.com/subfrau Heterosexual dragking groupe. Sweeden Pussycoxx www.pussycoxx.com Germany The Drag Kings www.thedragkings.co.nz Kingz of Berlin www.kingzofberlin.de Berlin, Germany Dr Del www.disgrace.dircon.co.uk USA Dredking www.dredking.com Santa Monica, CA dj. Knows DICKS djknowsdicks.com Finally a dick that's comfortable and soft to pack, looks like a real dick under casual inspection, and can be pissed through. And some industrious boy is willing to make it for you. Now that's progress. Vancouver. Metromadness metromadness.com We publish work that represents the widest spectrum of gender and sexuality. If you've never thought about your own identity in these terms, we encourage you to start now and submit. If you've been documenting intensive gender transition, coming out, personal identity politics, we need you. San Francisco, CA. Venus boyz www.venusboyz.net A FILM JOURNEY THROUGH A UNIVERSE OF FEMALE MASCULINITY. Women become men- some for a night, others for their whole lives. Masculinity and transformance as performance, subversion and existential necessity. An intimate film about people who create intermediate sexual identities. MadKats www.madkats.com DragKings, DragQueens, Queer, Street Fairs Peggy Shaw www.bombsite.com/archive/shaw/shaw1.html Actor, Playwright, and Producer Peggy Shaw has received three OBIE Awards for her work with the lesbian theater company Split Britches, which she founded with Lois Weaver and Deb Margolin in 1980. New York |
Comunities |
dunst www.dunst.dk Copenhagen, Denmark Al-ma www.al-ma.dk Alternative Maskuliniteter, Denmark Ship Of Fools www.azart.org Amsterdam, Holland. Tuntenhaus www.tuntenhaus.squat.net Berlin, Germany. Goth, Industrial, Elektro, New-Wave, Synth, Dark-whatever forum. barbue.dk Denmark. Black Market www.blackmarket.dk Denmark. |
Clubs |
KLUB TEASE klubtease.dk Copanhagen, Denmark NUDE www.clubnude.org London, England Kaos www.kaoslondon.com London, England Defekt Klub med stærke inslag av spex, dans og genderfucking. www.defekt.nu Stockholm, Sverige En Plan Travesti www.enplantravesti.com Madrid, Spain. MAMMA ROMA CLUB www.mamaroma.be Liège - Belgique. Nautilosh www.nautilosh.org Dunkerque, France. House Of Shame www.siteofshame.com Berlin, Germany. Nag Nag Nag www.nagnagnag.info London, England. Torture Garden www.torturegarden.com The largest, most cutting-edge, regular fetish nightclub in the world. England Mother www.mothernyc.com Nightclub in New York build night life utopias. New York. The Ring www.so-net.ne.jp/CYBERJAPAN/contents/clubzone/the_ring A queer party organisation for sexy creatures. Japan. |
Queer links |
Queer Festival queerfestival.org Copenhagen, Denmark Queerjihad Care2 make the world greener! www.queerjihad.dk Copenhagen, Denmark Queer Underground Queerfeministiskt aktivistnætværk. queerunderground.mine.nu Sverige Queer Dykes Queerfeministisk kulturforening med fokus på HBT-piger. www.queerdykes.com Stockholm, Sverige Queeruption www.queeruption.org The purpose of queeruption is to come together as queers of all sexualities to explore, celebrate, enjoy, learn, communicate, network, create. New York, San Francisco, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Sydney... Rattenbar www.rattenbar.com Gay underground bar in SupaMolli, with webgallery from shows & events. Berlin, Germany. Queer Mutiny Bristol weaver.mine.nu/queermutinybristol Bristol, England Enhedslistens Queerudvalg queer.dk Copenhagen, Denmark |
Music |
dunst www.dunst.dk/dunst/musik/05_03_01_odeur Denmark Noblesse Oblige www.noblesseoblige.co.uk England le Tigre www.letigreworld.com USA. Antony and the johnsons www.antonyandthejohnsons.com USA. Dead or Alive deadoralive.net USA. Marilyn Manson marilynmanson.com USA. Scissor Sisters scissorsisters.com USA. Captain Comatose www.captaincomatose.com Berlin, Germany. Glamour to Kill www.glamourtokill.de Berlin, Germany. Pale Music (Record Company) pale-music.de Berlin, Germany. Chicks On Speed www.chicksonspeed.com |
Film |
dunst film www.dunst.dk/dunst/film Copenhagen, Denmark HotMen CoolBoyz www.hmcbmovie.com A film directed by KNUD VESTERSKOV (from dunst) Copenhagen, Denmark. |
Photos |
Emli www.emli.dk Copenhagen, Denmark Nathue www.nathue.dk Copenhagen, Denmark |
Other links |
etuxx.com www.etuxx.com on-line queer fanzine - queer politics & cultu. (Only in German) Germany. Panbladet www.panbladet.dk The worlds oldest homo-magazine. Since 1954. Panbladet er verdens ældste homo-blad. Med 50 år på bagen og over 30.000 læsere hver måned når vi gruppen af homoseksuelle bedre end noget andet medie. Denmark. Nanna Nagelfar http://www.nagelfar.dk L aver flotte kostumer & dress. Irenka (Shop) Åben Mandag og Torsdag fra 12 til 18 En skøn butik med dame tøj fra 1880 - 1960 til billige priser. Der er alt fra Teaterkostumer til Selskabskjoler, Handsker, Hatte, Hofteholdere, bh'er, strømer o.s.v. Smallegade 10, (Overfor Frederiksbergs Rådhus) 2000 Frederiksbrerg Copenhagen, Denmark. |